The Urban Land Institute (ULI) is known nationally for its Technical Assistance Panel or “TAP” workshops. A TAP is a two-day intensive workshop in which ULI members offer their time and expertise to develop creative but pragmatic solutions to local planning, urban design, and finance challenges.
ULI North Texas is partnering with The Trust for Public Land to provide a series of TAPs related to the “10 Minute Walk to a Park” campaign, aimed at ensuring that all urban area residents have access to a high-quality park, trail or green space within a 10-minute walk. In particular, ULI is looking for TAP opportunities that connect parts of existing recreation networks that have a “missing link”, or park and trail projects that have the potential for a catalytic effect on the surrounding community.
Typically, the municipality, county or non-profit organization that hosts a ULI TAP is expected to pay $20,000 to obtain the insight and experience of ULI members in planning, site design, finance, and other areas. But for the first four applicants to qualify under this TAP grant program, the host organization will only need to provide background information, a staff contact, meeting facilities for the TAP participants, and similar on-site assistance. The waiver of the $20,000 fee serves as a grant from ULI North Texas.